Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Name Game

Your dog's name can make a difference in how he listens to you. Let me explain! When deciding on a name for your pup, keep in mind that dogs love the higher up sounds. So, having a name end in ie or a long ee or even aa is music to their ears! Dogs think high tones are fun and good times, low tones are potential warnings (like a growl).

When naming a pup, it's a great idea to have a name that you enjoy. However, try to stay away from the names that end or begin in an "O". Remember, if you're using the word "NO", then a dog named Domino might think he's in trouble.

Names that don't end or begin in O are certainly ok - but be sure your dog likes the sound. It's easy to "test drive" a name on a puppy or dog. We did that with a rescue that we eventually adopted. He came with the name Winston. We tried out some names on him, with no response. Then one day my husband and I were talking and he asked what I thought of the name Flint. I said "Flint?" and immediately the boy turned his head and looked at me. I used it again a couple times and he obviously loved the sound. So Flint he became and he loved his name (and so did we!).

If you're adopting a dog, rename him immediately. Let his past life go as well as the name. No need to remind him of that as he's your's now. His new name will give him a new life. And, you'll be naming him, so he'll mean even more to you! This goes for dogs that you know, as well as dogs that come from foster homes. New name - new life with you. Always change it!

Remember, his name should make him want to stop, look and listen! So nothing negative ever goes with his name. No, " bad dog" or using a low menacing "fluffy...what are you doing?" Only happy tones with his name - if he doesn't look at you, your command to him will most likely not be "heard". So play saying your dog's name and rewarding them with kisses, hugs and an occasional treat. They'll love you even more for it!

Have a howling happy day!
Deb, Everee, Corky and Eli

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