Finding the right breed of dog for you takes more work than most people ever consider or put into! Often I see dogs and folks who, individually, are very nice, but together just don't mesh. Just like any relationship, you need to be sure you're giving as well as receiving what you and your dog needs. Certain breeds need stronger leadership skills than others. Some don't do well in crowds, some do great in crowds. Breed temperament plus personality temperament need to be taken into consideration.
We take more time choosing friends and loved ones than we do a dog. Yet, the dog is a family member, and is expected to behave as one.
So do your homework, know your dogs breed and temperament. Don't go by what a friend said, or that "one" dog you met that made you love this breed. The beauty of the internet is we can find out just about anything. So be careful how you choose this new pup, because this is a relationship that for your dog, is a lifetime!