Thursday, September 23, 2010

So your dog was attacked

Ok, I have to get this said! So many times I get calls about dogs who are "dog aggressive" because when they were young they were attacked by another dog. Let's take closer look at this, ok?

First, if your dog was actually living in a dog pack and this happened, he would have to get over being fearful of his own species in order to survive. That said, of course now you are the pack to your dog. So, here's how to handled your pup if he's been hurt by another dog.

First, of course, take care of him medically. Once he's back to good health, it's time to "get him back in the saddle" per se. Most people spend alot of time "protecting" their dog from other dogs once this has happened. Small dogs will get scooped up when another dog comes along, or larger dogs will be taken to the other side of the street. We influence greatly how our dogs will heal from being attacked. Because we most likely saw the attack, we ourselves get nervous when a loose dog is out, or you're passing an excited dog. Your dog will read this, and assume (and rightly so) that it's the other dog causing this. This re-affirms to your dog that other dogs are scary! So, our first peice of work is to calm ourselves when we walk by other dogs. I would be giving my worried pup pieces of turkey (high value treat) as we see and pass another dog. Once you're past the dog, the turkey goes away. This will help reassociate what a passing dog means, making the dog comes a I get turkey?!! it also gives you something else to focus on rather than your worries.

Second you want to find a dog that is low keyed and trained to walk nice with which you can go on walks with. Hopefully you have a friend or neighbor that would love to join you on a walk. At this stage there is no interaction between the two dogs, just nice walking with each in heel position next to their person.

Third step, you will want to let your dog interact with the friend he's been walking with for a couple weeks. It's important that your dog find a dog friend (outside of his home pack) to play or spend time with. Even if their interaction is simply walking around the yard sniffing, the fact your dog is there with another dog and is not being attacked builds confidence for both of you!

Ideally you want to add to his "friend" list, having play dates with dogs that are not over the top scary in their play at first, and then finding dogs that fit your dog's play style as he starts to come out of his shell and get back to what he was before.

So often when I ask the question "does your dog aggressive pet have dog friends outside of home" the answer is no. Because the people were afraid and kept that fear instilled in their dogs.

So, don't let your pup stew in his worries - help him through it. Otherwise, trust me, they'll carry this fear with them the rest of their lives and it's not fun for you or him! My feeling is every dog should have a dog friend, even if it's just one. And please note this does not mean you should force your dog to meet strange dogs on a could be set back months or years if your dog had a bad interaction with a strange dog, ok?!!!

Hope this helps!
Deb Schneider
Corky, Everee & Eli

Open House - what a success!

Our Open house was a wonderful success. The weather was beautiful, sunny, cool but not cold, and definitely not windy. A blessing of a day for sure. We had 106 families and dogs come through. Lots of fun things to look at/purchase, a wonderful holistic vet who was so busy I don't think she even had a chance to "exercise" herself! And the rescue groups had great booths enticing folks to come and talk to them! We collected what looked to me like over 800 pounds of dog food. The rescue groups were digging in after I announced they could take what they wanted. All that was left was a few bags of Purina products which we brought to the food shelf this week. Overall, it was a most pleasant day. We're already thinking about next year, which will be our 5th annual open house and I'm thinking we need to get media there this time.

Thanks to those that came and supported this cause and hope to see more of you next year!

Deb Schneider
Corky, Everee and Eli

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Watch Deb on Kare 11 News 9/17/10 at 5:50 a.m.

Heads up that I'll be on Kare 11 Sunrise News this Friday at 5:50 a.m. (hey, it IS called Sunrise news!). I'll be chatting with Kim Ingsley about being a respectful and responsible pet owner, and Everee my border collie will be making her T.V. debut! She is the PR dog in training. Corky the yorky usually does my t.v. spots with me, but he's graciously letting her have some training time! Tune in, or go to Kare 11's website around 10:00 and they'll have the clip there to watch!

Deb, Corky, Everee and Eli

Dog deemed dangerous

Ok, so here's an interesting story. Talked to a person yesterday who took a dog from a guy (and I'm thinking it might have been off Craig's List) who needed to get rid of the dog because the dog kept running away, and he was being fined every time they brought the dog back. Evidently they also deemed the dog dangerous because he was CHASING people on bikes, etc. around. This dog, by the way, was a large, working breed dog (no need to say what - you get the idea and no, it's NOT a pitbull or an am staff!).

So she takes this dog home. Wants to do therapy work with him because he is so sweet - puts his head on her lap all the time (she's had him a very short time). First, please don't ever take dogs that are deemed dangerous by the city or county they live in. The unfortunate piece is that as long as she doesn't live in the same town or county, he won't be deemed dangerous where she lives. We wish we could make it a state wide net, but that's not how it works. So now the dog can start all over again and possibly hurt someone again.

Our conversation took a turn south when she realized in order to do therapy work she would have to TRAIN the dog! And that meant spending about $300 for 3 classes (including the therapy dog class) and that was too much money for her. Moral of the story - if you take on a dog that has issues, that's perfectly ok, but dedicate yourself to helping this dog not repeat what got him in trouble in the first place! But please please please, don't take on a dog deemed dangerous unless you knew the dog, knew that the situation wasn't his fault and trusted that it won't happen to you!

Oh, by the way, she also WANTED him to look out of control and scary on walks because she felt safer that way with him. Oh, it got better and better, and yes, I have holes in my tongue holding back what I really wanted to say!

Ok - I'm better, thanks for reading and come see us this Sunday Sept. 19 for our Open House between 10 am and 2:00 p.m. Directions to our school in Woodbury is on my website!

Deb Schneider and Corky the york, Everee the border collie and Eli the bloodhound!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

AllBreed's Open House - you're invited!

We're planning our 4th Annual Open House and would love for you to come! Below is our invite - hope to see you there!

When: Sunday, Sept. 19, 2010
Where: AllBreed Obedience, 2441 Ventura Drive, Woodbury, MN 55125
Time: 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

The last three year's event was so successful we're doing it again! This year we will have more rescue group booths, things to purchase for that pup of yours, services for your dog, demo’s and lots of fun! Just a FEW of the highlights are:

AllBreed ‘s info booth manned by Michael and Debra – learn about all our services, or ask Debra behavioral questions!
Dog Readings by Renee (cost is $20 for 15 minutes). Sign up for a time when you come!
Active Dogs will be setting up a small agility yard for you to play in under a trainer's eye!
Demo Ring: Obedience, therapy, CGC testing, herding demo’s and more!
FREE Canine Good Citizen testing done between Noon and 1:00 p.m. (come early to sign up!)
Melissa Shelton, DVM will be there to talk about “alternate” approaches to veterinary care!
Food will again be offered by the Bulldog club! (they did an awesome job the last three years)
Author Jenny Pavlovic will be there with her second new book “Not Without My Dog”.. .
Rescue Groups: A great place to chat with folks about what they do and how they do it!
Barb O’Brien from the Animal Connection will be there to see if your dog can be a STAR!
LS Originals will be there to photograph your dog for a button to wear (cost $5)!!
Mary Moore and her border collie “Partner” will be herding ducks and talking herding!!!

A goody bag will be given out (1 per family), to the first 60 families that arrive!

Again this year we ask that you bring a bag of dog or cat food to give upon entry. The rescue groups will be able to take home a share of it, and any left overs will be given to the Woodbury food shelf. Let’s help those who have landed on hard times!

We hope to see you, your family and of course your dog at this fun, and educational day at AllBreed!

Stop in, eat, play, support our rescue groups and spend some money if you care to! It all goes to a good cause! Entry, of course, is free to you all! Rain or Shine - we'll be there! For Directions go to our website and click on "directions"!

Best of the day to you!

Debra and Michael Schneider, and the entire AllBreed Team!
2441 Ventura Drive, Woodbury, MN 55125 651-704-9785
For directions: